Are you still blaming your parents, grandparents, husband, wife, sister, brother, friends, or children? Why is your life not where you want it, why aren’t you happy with what you already have? What do you want to change? Nothing in life is real unless you believe it is! So, what is real to you? And what really matters to you? You are an individual soul with your own individual path with your soul’s knowledge from many previous lives. Make sure your individual thoughts and beliefs are all yours. And think about these to see how important they are to you now. Consciously connect to your soul. Just sit quietly and see yourself standing in front of yourself, so now see two of you just standing there, watch them meld together as one. Feel blended you blend back into your body as one whole you. Your energy should feel very much lighter, with clearer thinking. Now just sit quietly and create what it is that you really want in your life. Visualize it if you can, and see how it would affect your life. You can create anything you want in your life. So have fun creating all your joy.
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