I have spoken about everything on earth being energy. And that before we are born, I believe we choose as a spiritual soul what lessons we need to learn in this lifetime to come. To help our spiritual soul to grow. We also decide when we are going to die and how.
Humans have become stuck in their old programming and because of this we seem to think as we age our sight goes, our hearing goes, we get arthritis, etc.
I believe age is just a number, and if we did not decide before birth to die of an illness, we actually don’t need to become sick in our lifetime at all.
They say that thought is a reality so if we believe in the old ways, that will be what happens to us.
I have been consciously aware of my thoughts and my actions. So, every time I have a not-so-good thought, I recognize that it is only miss used energy and I return it back to the universe. (I see it as golden fairy dust) It is also the same if my back hurts, or I have a headache, Toothache, etc. I recognize it as miss used energy and return it back to the universe.
Now spirit is saying look at people that have a serious illness (this does not apply to everyone) if they sat quietly and decided that their illness is miss used energy and returned that energy back to the universe. And replace that energy with that part of your physical body that was sick with the pure white essence of the creator’s energy.
And maybe do this little exercise of consciously releasing that old negative energy from your body back to the universe and filling it with the pure white essence of the creator for a week and see what happens.
So really what have you got to lose? I am defiantly not saying stop seeing your doctor or stop your medication. But just to give this exercise a go and see what happens for you.
Everything on earth is energy, try and become more understanding and more in tune with your own energy.
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