We have been through big major energy shift on the earth for the last eighteen months. It all started in March 2023. Now we are coming to the end of 2024, so look at how you have changed. We all went through the bored, lonely, depressed, stuck, angry, no motivation or discipline etc space.
At last, we have come through that tunnel of energy. We have spent a lot of this time releasing old programming, fears insecurities, and all old negatives.
Now we can write our list of what we really want and create it more quickly than ever before.
Have you noticed that maybe your taste in food has changed, and also the way you think? This is all part of you being the true you.
You will notice big positive changes not only in your energy but also in how you deal with your life.
Take your time to adjust to the real you, be kind to yourself.
Listen to your gut feelings more than dismissing them.
You are on the earth at this time to experience moving into lighter spiritual energy and to live more in the light of where you have come from.
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