Hereditary is the same as you carrying old programming, ancestorial, memory cell, DNA, and negative karmic energy. Release all of this be pure in your own positive energy.



Determined by genetic factors and therefore able to be passed on from parents to their offspring or descendants.
Did your grandmother or grandfather suffer from any illnesses that have been passed on to the next generation? Have you now got that same illness? Do you realize that we don’t need to think that way? Why choose to be sick anyway. I believe that before we were conceived in our mother’s womb, we as a spiritual souls, choose what we need to learn in this life unless we have chosen to be sick. (Some of us have chosen to be sick.) If that is the case, why is there so much illness? Because we seem to live our lives in fear.
I have noticed with my readings that once we hit 50 plus, we start to notice that our body isn’t working as well as it should be. REMEMBER age is just a number. And old is 120 upwards.
If you take notice of how you live and what thoughts are creating, you may understand why your body is sore or aching. Thought is reality, so what are you creating? When I said we choose all the lessons before we are born. We also choose when we are going to die. We don’t have to be sick to die. I believe we only have so many breaths in our life and when they are up, we go back to the realms.
When or If I do get sick, it is the universe telling me to rest. A friend said to me you are never sick, why is that? My belief is that I just do not have time to get sick. You look at people that you have loved that has passed away from a terminal illness. Once they were told that they are terminal, they start dying from that moment.
Spirit has also made me aware of our ancestorial cell memory, and DNA. That we are still carrying the negative memory within our bodies, which also is creating illness.
The only thing in life that is guaranteed is death.


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