How many times as a kid where you said that you would end with the same illness as your parents. Your Mother or Father may have suffered from diabetes, or high blood pressure, arthritis etc.
We are programmed through old way of thinking that as we get older, we will lose our sight, hearing, become more stiffer in our joints, loss of memory. But why should we. Age is just a number, as long as you keep moving, and always think positive and not allow yourself to stay stuck in our old programming. Or allow fear to come and bite you in the bottom.
I believe we choose before we are conceived in our mother’s womb, we have already chosen our life that we are going to be born into. We also decide when we will pass back to the realms. And what we will pass away with.
So, it’s time to start living in the now! (the only thing that is guaranteed in life is death)
So, are you living or are you still worrying about things that you have no control over?
Start saying this to yourself if you are struggling with any illness or pain.
I believe that our physical body is just like pajamas. To cover over our soul, so why do we allow pain when it’s not our body? You are and always will be soul first.
I know this may sound silly to some people but give it ago.
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