Are you still letting the little things bother you? Stressing over money, your health, your job, your relationship ETC
Surely you didn’t choose this lifetime to be in so much unhappiness, pain anger, and loneliness (I believe that before we are conceived we as a soul choose this lifetime and what our souls need to learn spiritually)
The only thing in your life that is guaranteed is death. So shouldn’t you start living that exciting life NOW?
Start saying to yourself nothing matters. Release all old programming, fears, anger, jealousy, hate, ETC
Write all negative emotions down, read it then light it on fire. This is very symbolic of releasing unwanted emotional feelings.
You only deserve the best. Be kind to yourself, and enjoy your life Live today as though it is your last day on earth.
Write a list of what you want in your life. Think big, think out of the square. Read this list once a week and manifest everything on your list. You deserve only the best.
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